Sunday, December 4, 2016

St Nicolas fest in Fribourg

There was a huge fest in Fribourg surrounding the St Nicolas cathedral. St Nicolas was on the balcony on the cathedral speaking to everyone about the economy and how people need to be thankful to be living in Switzerland. I didn't really understand everything but I was amazed by how many people attended this event. I went with my friend from Thailand and a few of my Swiss friends. We had a good time even though it was really cold!

Guy from Thailand, Alain from Switzerland and I freezing our butts off


  1. I love the architecture. It's seems so much more festive there than here these days with our unseasonably warm weather

  2. Very impressed with your new blog format. I can really see the good times you are having with this one. Every weekend in the winter in Zermatt - that will be a winter to remember.
    Keep up the good work!
