Sunday, December 4, 2016

Ameriss thanksgiving

American thanksgiving in Switzerland = Ameriss thanksgiving (I came up with the name). A couple of American exchange students in my canton (Fribourg) organized a thanksgiving dinner (for American thanksgiving). We all got together and brought food to contribute to this thanksgiving dinner! All of the food was so good and I am so thankful that I was able to celebrate thanksgiving with such amazing people! It was the first thanksgiving for Marilena from New Zealand, Dario from Columbia and Guyton (I don't know how to spell his name) from Switzerland. It was also my first American thanksgiving! There are so many things that I am thankful for especially to have this amazing opportunity to live in Switzerland and experience the culture for the year!
 Dario from Columbia made great cookies
 Bailey (the host) found and made an awesome turkey!

 Baileys host brothers helping us with the Turkey
 Hailey and Sam both from the US

 Dario from Columbia first pumpkin pie and thanksgiving!

Ryan from Colorado cutting the pumpkin pie he made!

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