Sunday, December 4, 2016


Kildy is a Swiss annual fall fest. Its kind of like thanksgiving but nothing beats thanksgiving. Meat is a very important aspect of this fest. We started out with soup, then the main course and then a second one of the first main course then we had dessert, then we waited about and two hours and had the sam thing for dinner. Wow... SO MUCH food!! It was nice to talk with the family and see everyone together. So... about the cow tongue and udder... I wasn't 100% sure what I was putting on my plate because everything looked relatively  the same. My host fam told me I needed to try these family fest traditional meats.. I didn't think about asking because normally when they tell me to try traditional food its very good and not super weird BUT that was not the case!!!! The cow tongue was not bad but I must say I will probably not eat it again.. Now... Cow udder... I will certainly never eat it again! I am not sure how to describe what it tasted like because I have never tasted anything like it before but I can describe the texture.. It was sort of like cooked cat food but more chewy (don't ask why I know that) and at the same time very mushy and seemed a bit milky but that could have just been in my head. FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING am I right???? I don't regret it though because I guess it was pretty cool.
 First time having fondue!!! Fondue is melted cheese with white wine and you can dip basically anything in it!!!! (this was not the same day but its food and I thought I would share)
Swiss preztels! I definitely ate too many..

 1st course: soup

 second course: potatoes, cabbage, steamed carrots, COW UDDER (meat at the top of the plate), COW TONGUE (under udder), sausage (at the bottom)

  third course: mashed potatoes, beef, pear, salad

 marang, ice cream and berries for dessert

 My host cousins & their girlfriends and I 
 Host Oma cutting the meat
 cow tongue left, ham middle, cow udder right (not my plate)

one of my host cousins, me and my host sister 

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