While driving to Delphi we learned about its history and importance. It was interesting unloading 60 suitcases from our bus to the hotel because we blocked the whole road and caused a traffic jam. We created a chain system and unloaded all of the bags in under 3 minutes. The ruins were a walks away from the hotel so we went right after we put our bags in the hotel rooms. I really liked it here because I really enjoy old architecture, even if it is in ruins. After the site we went to the museum to look at all of the old artifacts that have been found. After that we had time to do what we wanted before dinner. That was our only day in Delphi but it was a nice quick visit. The next day we drove for 5 hours to a town called Andritsena. On the way we stopped in a town called Antrition, there was a beautiful view of a nice bridge that connects the northern and southern part of Greece. When we arrived to Andritsena we stopped for lunch and then went to a library in the area. There was a doctor, named Nikolopolos who came from this town and moved to Fribourg (my city in Fribourg) then became famous. When he died he donated all of his books to his home town and they made a library after him. We had a concert in the hotel and people from the town came and heard our presentation. They seemed to really enjoy it and my favourite was when we started to sing a Greek song and everyone started to sing and sway along with it. The library of Andritsena gave us each a personalized certificate thanking us. Our first stop was to explore the Temple of Zeus. When we got the park we went to a park to do a concert. It wasn’t for anyone in particular, just for the tourists. People came and went but many people were very interested in our concert because we were singing in so many different languages. We sang in English, Greek ,all 4 of Switzerlands national languages and even Fribourg's old language, Patois. After the concert the staff had drinks and greek snacks for us before we started the tour of the actual site. We saw the temple of Zeus, ancient schools and hotels, as well as the first Olympic stadium and track. We later went to the museum for the temple of zeus to see all of the artifacts that were discovered in the ruins. One of my favourites were this mural made up of Greek gods, there were intact reconstructed but they were the original designed and size.
Edward and I
the sign that was posted around the town inviting everyone to our concert
Our wonderful guide
Guy and I
Ryan and I
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